Protect Your Kids From Dog Bites On Halloween
Halloween is one of the funnest nights of the year for kids. However, it can be scary and confusing for dogs. Hearing the doorbell ring for hours on end can send them into a frenzy. The opening and closing of the front door gives them ample opportunity to make a break for it and find out what’s going on.
Some dogs, unfortunately, get tied to a tree or fenced in on Halloween night, which can make them aggressive if they manage to break free.
That’s why it’s essential to be careful around any dog that you encounter while you’re trick-or-treating. A lot of dog bites occur on Halloween. Even a friendly neighborhood dog may not recognize your child behind a mask and costume, wielding a wand or light saber. It may think that you’re there to attack its family.
Dog guardians should take care to keep their dogs safely tucked away in their home where they can’t escape or even encounter visitors at the door. However, if you and your little ones run into a dog whose people have not been so responsible, there are ways to protect yourselves:
Don’t approach any dog, even one you know.
- If you encounter a dog out with its person, ask before you or your children do any petting.
- If you come upon a dog that is loose, don’t look at it. That’s considered a challenge in dog language.
- If a dog knocks your child to the ground, instruct him or her to roll up into a ball. The face is often the first thing a dog will go for.
- If a strange dog approaches, remember the instruction, “Be a Tree.” Everyone should stand still and be quiet. The more movement and sound a dog hears, the more it will be likely to attack.
If you or your children suffer a dog bite or attack, you should seek medical treatment. Dog bites can be particularly serious for children, who are more likely to suffer injuries to their faces than adults are. Then, it may be wise to consult with a New Mexico personal injury attorney who can help you seek compensation for any required medical care and other damages.
Source: 2 Dawg Nite, “9 Tips to Prevent Dog Bites on Halloween,” accessed Sep. 19, 2017