You’ve Been Injured, Now What?
You’ve been injured by someone else’s negligence, now what? Well for one, get to a doctor, urgent care or hospital right away. There are many injuries that are life threatening that may not manifest themselves and by the time they do, it may be fatal for you. I know, you are busy, you have work, kids, a spouse, I get it. My point is, find out how bad you are injured, what your treatment options are, and get yourself taken care of as best you can.
I’m sure many of you are asking yourselves, “how will I pay for medical treatment”? “How will I pay my deductible”? Well, if you are having problems with paying for your health care, we can help. If your injury was a result of someone else’s negligence, they should accept personal responsibility. In fact, New Mexico makes car drivers carry insurance and many businesses are required to carry insurance.
We can help you by contacting the person who hurt you, determining the insurance they have, protecting your rights, and helping you to right a wrong. Call us today to set up a free consultation to see if we can help you. (505) 766-9999